Tuesday, November 09, 2010

My Reality is Musicality

I sincerely wish that life was a musical.

People of all characters and walks of life breaking into song in line at the DMV, celebrating the deliciousness of their customized beverage at Starbucks, actually enjoying the walk of shame after a night of particularly kick ass no-strings attached sex.

Just singing. And smiling. And hitting high notes and spontaneous choreography like a Disney movie or Broadway.

My body aches wishing that this was my everyday reality. . . which is why I ALWAYS tear up and get misty eyed while watching "Glee."

If I could've broken into song walking through the halls of Moreau Catholic I would've.
I should've sang my way across campus at USC.
I need to blow up some karaoke at a hipster bar and scare everyone else of the mic, just living my fantasy.

Just singing. And smiling.

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